Hair Loss at the Crown

by Patrice
(Dallas, TX)

I believe I have the neurodermatitis that you mentioned. My crown hair is short and stubby...and won't grow. It appears to be headed toward baldness. It is also 'tight' and sore in that area. I went to a trichologist here in Dallas, but need help finding a dermatologist that can really help me. I also went to a dermatologist who told me it was related to hairstyling/chemicals. She gave me Clobetol (sp?) but I never had my scalp inspected with a microscope or anything like that. Please help me by giving me a referral so I can get help. It's messing with my self esteem, and all I can do is wear half wigs or wear my hair up with a bun (hairpinned only..not a comb attachment).

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Apr 22, 2009
Dallas Neurodermatitis Referral
by: Seymour M. Weaver, III, M.D.

Neurodermatitis of the scalp can be mild, moderate, or severe in terms of the severity of the itching, soreness, or hair loss.

Clobetasol is a potent topical steroid medication that can help relieve the itching, but the soreness oftentimes due to bacterial presence and requires antibiotic therapy, either topically or sometimes orally.

Try and contact Dr. Raymond Blackburn, M.D. in the Dallas area and see if he can provide a treatment regimen that gives you relief.

Let me know if you need additional assistance.

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